Monday, October 6, 2008

Winter and Spring in the Pool

Was I complaining about the cold? Well, it just turned Spring a few weeks ago, but it is HOT in Namibia, and I guess it will be until we leave. It started warming up in August, and now is warm or hot every day (its been about 30 celsius - mid 80s every day). The kids love coming home from school and jumping in the pool. Now that Bill has got the solar heater up and working, we have people over almost every day swimming in our pool.

Pool at night

Maxine is volunteering weekly at the Orlindi orphanage. A few weeks ago we had 13 kids from the orphanage over for a swimming party. Maxine and her friend did all the cooking for the party. We thought a bunch of 8-10 year old girls were coming, but It turned out that it was one of the kids’ 16th birthday, so we quickly turned it into an older kids' birthday party, with a cake and a few presents. We learned later that while there are many volunteers who come to the orphanage for visits, these kids had only ever been invited to someone’s house once before. We’re going to arrange more of these to get these kids a break from the crowded orphanage. Both the kids from the orphanage and our kids had a great time.

Orlindi kids in the pool

Birthday party by our "Braai"- bar-b-q

Maxine serving the birthday cake

Maxine and Alice are still in Girl Guides, which has a great leader and a nice bunch of girls ages 9-11. We had the Girl Guide troop over on Saturday for a swimming "meeting". We fit all 12 girls, plus the leader, in our combi. They are in the process of planning a camping trip, and recently earned the “why a bathroom should be kept clean” badge.

Girl Guides in the Pool

Alice playing a game with the girls & leader

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