Monday, October 13, 2008

Spring Term at WIS

School started again in August. Maxine started junior high. She is finding 7th grade much more enjoyable than her previous grade. She has something like a dozen subjects, including science, Portuguese, health, Maths (they add the s to Math here), social studies, drama, etc. Her afterschool activities are chess and working at the Orlindi orphanage. She'll be going back down to 5th grade when return to St. Paul. Alice has a nice new teacher for year 4 from England. She’s still enjoying playing with her good friends from Namibia and the rest of the world. Alice is playing on the Netball team this year. Netball is derived from girls basketball in the USA, and is played in more than 70 countries. Ruby is enjoying kindergarten, and has a new best friend from Australia.

The kids just had sports day at the school. It started out with all the flags parade around the school from where the kids were from, followed by a full day of sports for kids in pre-primary all the way up to the ones in Matric (senior year). The Lightfoot girls were excited because their house, the Cheetahs, won sports day!

The Opening Ceremonies, with flags of each nation represented in the school

Ruby is a natural bucket racer

Alice and her Cheetah friends

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