Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Namibia is FREEZING in the winter

Winter is in full force in Namibia, and is much colder than any of us expected. None of us have anything more than a fleece jacket, and we don't have a single sweater in the house. While it is still warm and sunny every day - usually in the low 70s, the temperature goes down dramatically at night. A few weeks ago, it went down to 25 and we had frost on the car window, but it has generally been in the 30s at night for the past month. Our house, as most houses here, has no heat and no insulation. So we sit around every evening under blankets and sleeping bags on the couches. I bought a tiny space heater a few weeks ago, and we now all crowd around that at night. My office at UNAM is also quite cold, and I have to sit leaning against the window to warm up by the sun. Last night was the first night it only went down to 50 at night, so we are hoping the worst is over.

The kids are still swimming in the pool though, but only for 10 minutes at a time. Bill discovered a solar panel on our roof which "heats" the swimming pool. He now has an obsessive routine involving opening and closing the pool cover and turning on the pump at exactly the right time of day to gradually heat the pool. After two weeks, he has now got the water temperature up to 72 degrees. I'm waiting for 80.


Kim on Camano said...

Hi Liz; I have been following your blog regularly. It sounds like your family and your girls are having a grand time. My family will be moving to Nigeria in January 2009 for 2&1/2 years, so I have been very interested in your observations and experiences. I am sorry you are experiencing such cold temperatures. We will pack coats in our 2 boxes each to take! Take care, and I will be checking in regularly. Love, Kim

Ann Commers said...

hi alice, when are you coming back to the USA?
Love Grace

Jane Gilgun said...

Hi, Liz. The cold doesn't sound like a lot of fun. There was no heat in homes/office in South Africa, either. At least they're not using "foreign oil."

Can you believe McCain is ahead? The whole political scene here is ghoulish. The radical republicans get a lot of positives from telling lies and evading discussions of their policies. I can't stand it.

I suppose you've heard the news about changes here. Jean is now interim dean and Darlene is working half time and making do with a half salary, which is still more than twice what most of us make working more than full time.

I am sure you are having great adventures. How terrific for you as a family and for the children's personal growth.

best wishes
